Glasgow Partner Forest Design Competition
In collaboration with the GIA, Pilot Projects, SEDA, and Glasgow City Council
Forest Certification (FC) systems offer a one-stop well-tested general approach to supporting responsible forest management. Through third-party audits of managed forests and chain of custody (CoC) through the supply chain, adherence to standards is assured by certification bodies and can be communicated to the public. FC may be a good first step to help consumers specify and evaluate their own sustainability goals.
1. Create a Project Sustainability Goals summary.
Download the worksheet document and complete the Project Sustainability Goals Summary section and Table #1 to begin structuring your sourcing strategy.
2. Define Parameters of Wood Needs
Fill in the Wood Needs Report template (Worksheet table #2) to estimate parameters of wood needs for this project.
3. Identify Potential Wood Options
Create a preliminary Wood Sourcing Comparison Matrix (Worksheet table #3) for each different wood species/source used in the proposal. Use the Levels concept to explore the potential each species has to engage with each pathway. Also see Wood Verification Matrix.
4. Examine Potential Wood Options
Outline the alignment of each species against the eight Sustainable Sourcing Pathways more thoroughly in a in the Wood Sourcing Strategy Assessment Matrix (Worksheet table #4) for each species/source to assess project alignments and opportunities. Use the Levels concept to push towards greater commitment and impact along each pathway, and use the voluntary scores to raise questions and challenge the strategy.
5. Wood Selection Refinement
Iterate wood species and/or sources to optimise as project design, timeline, and/or goals are refined, updating Sustainable Sourcing Comparison Matrix (Worksheet table #3) after having completed step 4.
6. Wood Selection Refinement
Assemble an integrative Sustainable Wood Project Strategy report (including outputs from steps 1-5) using the worksheet that builds relationships and synergies between the different pathways to increase total sustainability benefits.